Friday, December 28, 2012

Snippet from Canadian Economic Outlook

Here is a snippet from the Canadian Economic Outlook report prepared by Wellsfargo International.

"Unlike in the United States, where there is a tax deduction for mortgage interest, Canadians do not have a similar incentive to carry mortgage debt. We have long maintained that the best argument against a housing bubble is the notion that a significant deterioration in mortgage credit has not yet manifested itself in Canada. Mortgage delinquencies typically lead foreclosures, and we have yet to see any deterioration in mortgages that are in arrears. In fact, according to the Canadian Bankers Association, the percentage of mortgages in arrears, or at least 90 days past due, is just 0.32 percent, down from 0.39 percent at this time last year. Canadians are carrying more debt, but with the overnight lending rate in Canada still at a historically low level, the cost of financing that debt is not yet proving too much of a burden for Canadian homeowners.
The Canadian housing market appears to be somewhat overvalued at present, and the downside risk for home values seems to outweigh the upside potential for continued home price appreciation. However, with low delinquency rates, a relatively stable employment outlook and affordable financing, the Canadian housing market does not appear to be poised for a major selloff like the U.S. housing market experienced between 2007 and 2009.
Some pockets, however, are looking “frothier” than others. Speculative investment by foreign investors has limited affordability in markets like Vancouver, and some stress fractures are beginning to emerge. Vancouver is one of the markets tracked by the TNBC HPI; this measure shows prices off almost 3 percent since June.
The pace of residential construction activity does not seem to have adjusted to a slower pace of hiring and economic growth (Figure 12). That said, the monthly change in the number of Canadian building permits has been volatile this year, with permits up six months and down four months. While home values may hold up, we would not be surprised to see residential construction activity dial back a bit to be more in synch with a slower pace of GDP growth."

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Addict Paid to be Sterilized

This is an old article I pulled out of my drawer that is interesting. In the UK a American charity payed someone to have a vasectomy so they cant reproduce anymore. Sounds like an interesting way to start battling some of the problems of our society. I wonder if the program is still active?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nation of Sealand

Paddy Roy Bates, the man that started the nation of Sealand in the 1960's passed away at the age of 91. His son Micheal Bates is now ruler of Sealand. I read about this nation over the years on the internet but when my local Calgary newspaper wrote an article on it I was surprised and thought I would share it.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Whats this world coming to?

Whats this world coming to?

Snap Decision to photo mans dying moment

This is an unreal photograph of someone who was pushed onto the tracks, and a newspaper photographer happened to of been there to see it take place. The photographer said he was too far away to help the man and took pictures out of instinct. The publisher printed the picture in the next day news, front page. Pretty crass move.

Monday, December 10, 2012

What exactly IS the Lu Lu Lemon symbol?

Long before I ever started to practice yoga I used to scoff at men wearing Lu Lu Lemon around the gym. Back then to me Lu Lu Lemon was only for women, so when the company started trying to woo male customers I didn't buy it. Once I even called the local Lu Lu Lemon, and asked the first employee that answered the phone "What exactly is the Lu Lu Lemon symbol?" His answer interspersed with a few uhm's and ah's was "he believed it to be a stylized A". I chuckled to myself, thanked him and hung up. Another theory I heard include it being the symbol for Omega, the 24th letter in the Greek alphabet.

After some brainstorming I came up with the thought that it is actually a silhouette of a woman's hair. A 60's hair style for instance. And to prove it I have modified a copy of their symbol for your viewing pleasure:)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pfizer's single goal: Your health

I was just googling Pfizer to show my wife a little bit about the company that is producing her birth control pills. They have been around since 1849, but in the last ten years ALONE they have been involved in four settlements with the US Department of Justice. One of those settlements totaled more then $2.3 billion!! That signifies the single largest judgement ever ordered in the USA....

I chuckled to myself when I read the first line of their website. It reads "Pfizer is inspired by a single goal: Your health."

Your good health? Or just your health? You decide.

We ended up deciding against this form of birth control after she experienced major mood swings and other side effects almost immediately.