Friday, December 3, 2010

Obama the smoker

Barack Obama smokes cigarettes. lol

The man running the most powerful country in the world, with control of the most devestating nuclear arsenal, can't control his own addictions...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Media Privatization

"Canadian Press Wire service to go Private" Calgary Herald July 05/10

What a funny little article tucked away in our local newspaper. As if most people didn't already know the media is largely controlled by certain groups of people, to sometimes help them fulfill their agendas. But at least it was non-profit.... Now, for the first time in nearly a century they are going to be operating as a for-profit entity, called Canadian Press Enterprises. Apparently the restructuring was caused primarily by "financial difficulties" including major pension plan problems... Duh... hehe

And nobody is worried that it's all privatized now. Not a peep.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Calgary Mayor

Naheed Nenshiis the new Mayor of Calgary. First time a minority has ever been voted into the top position of a city in Canada. I voted for him. Hopefully he will bring about a new light in City Hall.

And they say we're a redneck city!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Broken Bells The High Road

Broken Bells is a group of two artists, Danger Mouse(Brian Burton) and James Mercer. They have two huge hits that I've totally gotten into, along with probably one million other people.... "The High Road" and "The Ghost Inside".

The more I listen to The High Road the more I am convinced it is about the pharmaceutical industry and/or the drugs it creates for us. I thought I would throw it out there because I noticed that no one really knows what this song is about(yet).... It's open to interpretation!:) Actually, most the videos with "lyrics" differ from one another as to what they think is being said... But I'll quote for you a few of the lines that are easily understood and what I think they are talking about.

"We're bound to wait all night
She's bound to run amok"

We're bound to wait for her to run amok(unless she gets her pharmaceuticals to straighten her out or fix her)

"Invested enough in it anyhow"

The pharmaceutical industry spends more money then basically any other industry in north America! Probably the world. More then Lumber or Automotive or Oil etc...

"To each his own"

Some decide not to do drugs....

"The Garden needs sorting out"

The Garden of Humanity maybe?

"And I don't know if I'm dead or not, to anyone"

Is doing, or not doing the pharmaceuticals make you dead or alive? If you don't do them, you may seem dead to everyone(Majority) who do them. Or if you do them you may seem dead to those that don't.

"Come on and get the minimum before you open up your eyes."

Straight forward, to me anyways... Get your minimum of drugs and alcohol to keep you blurry eyed or foggy minded... To make sure you always look at the world through tinted glass.

"This army has so many heads, to analyze"

The Army of Humanity has so many people, races, societies, ages, diseases and problems, that it'll take what could be forever to create new and different drugs, a never ending story.

"Come on and get your overdose"

Could it be more clear??

"Collect it at the borderline"

Maybe the pharmacy?? Or the borderline between insanity and soberness etc??

"And they want to get up in your head"

'they' being the pharmaceutical companies, and 'your head' being, uh, your head!

"Cause they know, and so do I, the high road is hard to find"

Maybe the road of living life naturally??

"A detour to your new life, tell all of your friends goodbye"

If you take the high road, you'll probably have to say goodbye to all your friends, because they, and most of humanity are stuck in the rut of drugs, entertainment, and pharmaceuticals.

"The dawn to end all nights, that's all we hoped it was"

Could be talking about the dawn of us all stopping pharmaceuticals etc?

"A break from the warfare in your house, to each his own"

With the aid of pharmaceuticals you'll get a break alright... To each his own...

"The soldier is bailing out, he curled his lips on a ......(could be a couple things)"

Well soldiers have been known to do drugs during, and also long after they have been exposed to warfare.....

"And I don't know if the dead can talk, to anyone."

Maybe if they could they would warn us, that there's a better way...

"It's too late to change your mind, you let loss be your guide"

It's too late to change your mind most people think, because they have already been traveling down the wrong road for what seems like forever, and so has all of society...

"You let loss be your guide"

You let loss of anything, money, relationships, people, material possessions control your mood. And potentially make you always think of the glass as half empty, and as such you turn to easy solutions, such as drugs to cure things, even temporarily.

That's all I got... Could be what it's a about, could be totally wrong:) It's just what I feel when I hear it... Which could be my prejudice towards pharmaceuticals lately... If you agree, let me know. If you disagree, or have another idea about what you think the song may be about, also let me know:)

Just throwin' it out there;-)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Those Barren Leaves

I'm working my way through another one of Aldous Huxley's books called Those Barren Leaves. It's already turning out to be a great book; about a rich lady living in an old mansion in Italy. I love how he always weaves his philosophies into his stories! This book was first published in 1925! Here is an excerpt from it that made me chuckle.

"For those who cannot dispense with formularies and fixed prayers, I recommend this little catechism, to be read through in the office hours whenever time hangs a little heavy.
Q. Why am i working here?
A. In order that Jewish stockbrokers may exchange their Rovers for Armstrong-Siddeleys, buy the latest jazz records and spend the week-end at Brighton.
Q. Why do I go on working here?
A. In the hope that I too may some day be able to spend the week-end at Brighton
Q. What is progress?
A. Progress is stockbrokers, more stockbrokers and still more stockbrokers.
Q. What is the aim of social reformers?
A. The aim of social reformers is to create a state in which every individual enjoys the greatest possible amount of freedom and leisure.
Q. What will the citizens of this reformed state do with their freedom and leisure?
A. They will do, presumably, what the stockbrokers do with these things to-day, e.g. spend the week-end at Brighton, ride rapidly in motor vehicles and go to the theatre.
Q. On what condition can I live a life of contentment?
A. On the condition that you do not think.
Q. What is the function of newspapers, radios, cinemas, motor-bikes, jazz bands, etc?
A. The function of these things is the prevention of thought and the killing of time. They are the most powerful instruments of human happiness.
Q. What did Buddha consider the most deadly of the deadly sins?
A. Unawareness, Stupidity.
Q. And what will happen if I make my self aware, if I actually begin to think?
A. Your swivel chair will turn into a trolley on the mountain railway, the office floor will gracefully slide away from beneath you and you will find yourself launched into the abyss."

It goes on, but I think that quote really captures a problem with society that was obviously prevalent enough 85 years ago that Aldous would comment on it in one of his books and is still 100% relevant today!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ultrasound Parallel

Here is a parallel I thought of to describe the effects of the vibrations caused by Ultrasounds onto the developing fetal brain..... It's like Intel continuing it's delicate production of it's newest Pentium Processors through a earthquake....


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Altruism for the masses

I just read the definition of Altruism and realized it is the word that describes what I spoke about in one of my earlier posts. About giving without need for reward or recognition. Giving for the sake of giving and not expecting anything in return. It is the exact opposite of selfishness... And man I just realized we don't use that word enough!!! So we should all work together to get that word back into the main stream language so it is as familiar a term to everyone as the word "selfish".

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tobacco and Alchohol Advertising

So over the past few years I have seen them ban tobacco advertising more and more, until you can't see it anywhere now, not even a pack behind the counter at the convenience store! They have even talked about banning all flavored tobacco cause it may draw kids to smoke. Then, driving the other day on Memorial Drive I see the Calgary C Train fly past me, with an ENTIRE train car painted with a massive Bud Lime Beer add, the entire thing was covered front to back! Made me shake my head, how many people die directly or indirectly from alcohol every minute of the day, how much abuse or pain does it causes to society! How many fights or torturous actions take place under the influence of it??? How many dollars of our health care get wasted trying to deal with all the levels of health that alcohol use, consumption or association can cause?! And then it's flavored! haha To make it more appealing to kids I guess, with large adds depicting how cool it is!

Why would we make one thing so evil but the other Ok?

The alcohol companies must be lining some politicians pockets more then the tobacco companies, that's my guess....

Monday, May 3, 2010

UltraSound Dangers II

Here is something I found in Wiki:

"A 2006 study on mice exposed to ultrasound showed neurological changes in the exposed fetuses. Some of the rodent brain cells failed to migrate to their proper position and remained scattered in incorrect parts of the brain."

They even say "However, no randomized controlled trials have been undertaken to test the safety of the technology" so they haven't even done proper testing yet... But yet everyone is getting them done, at all stages of pregnancy....

Messed up world we live in people...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brave New World

Aldous Huxley. My new favorite author! I started with a Brave New World and since then I've started his other book, The Perennial Philosophy. Brave New World is a great fictional story that was written in the 1930's. He wrote about what he thought the future would be like in 700 years, well only about 70 years later a lot of what he was predicting is already coming to fruition! In the 40's his opinions changed since he had written the book so instead of rewriting it, he revisited it. He wrote an additional 8 chapters describing what he would of changed or added in the book had he written in later in life. Although I enjoyed the book, and the theory's he puts forth in it, I enjoyed his revision even more! There you get to hear his personal thought on what the world is like, was like, and could be like, if we don't start changing our ways. It might be the most important book ever written for people to read, in my opinion.

What are some of the things that happen in the book??? Well, for one: no one breeds anymore. Everyone is born in a test tube and they only birth what they need. So there is no more over population. And sex is free and open for everyone. Everyone has sex with everyone. Because there are no mothers or fathers, boyfriends or girlfriends or siblings, jealously is an emotion people don't feel. A lot of negative emotions have been removed from society, in this utopia. And there are different classes of people that are breed. Alphas, betas , deltas, gammas etc... And from birth they are conditioned to want to be their caste, and not any other. Sayings like " Alphas work to hard, you don't want to be an alpha, and Deltas dress ugly(each caste dresses differently), you are so happy you are a beta." are repeated 1000's of times while they sleep. And if any negative feelings arise they have invented a drug Huxley calls "Soma" that has no harmful side effects. And in small doses you feel happy, medium doses you see things, and large doses it puts you into a blissful sleep like vacation for as long as you want. The perfect drug to make sure society is always happy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hot Yoga Benefits!

Wow. Hot Yoga. What a wonderful thing that I'm glad finally found it's way into my life. I always thought it was for girls, like most people probably do. But man(no pun intended) was I wrong... It is some serious strength building stuff. And it brings you to the limits of your physical capabilities, no matter what they are, or where they are at! I'll be the first to admit, I'm going a little extreme by heading to the studio for practice 5-6 days a week. But boy do I love it, and look forward to it!! I've lost 20 pounds in 3 months, and am feeling better then I ever have in my life. And I'm not just talking physically... Mentally too... I mean, it really is the perfect exercise. It works and stretches and massages every joint, muscle, ligament, and part of the body, all in under an hour and a half. One guy at the studio was telling me him and his girlfriend have been going two times a week for a year. And he has lost a total of 30 pounds, and is feeling better then ever before, so good in fact he says he has no urge to do any other physical activity of any kind!! You'll see outstanding benefits just going two days a week, but three or more days a week and you will truly start to feel enlightenment and contentment! I've gotten my brother into it now, he's down for two days a week. And I'm about to go with my mom for her first class!!!! Wish us luck!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

UltraSound Dangers

I think people are using Ultrasounds a little too much these days... They say it is a harmless technology, that it is just sound waves, but in reality they haven't studied it's side effects yet. Experiments with Guinea pigs showed that their brain tissue could raise up to 5 degrees in temperature! The water and tissue absorb Ultrasound energy to heat things up. The fetus cannot regulate it's own body temperature so prolonged exposure can cause the heat to build up, and stay up causing brain tissue damage.

And besides, if you can break glass with sound then... It's not far off to say that when neuron pathways are forming in the brain they can get disrupted with the Ultrasonic sound waves. Maybe they form differently? Maybe some of them don't get to form altogether... Who knows without more studying? Another problem that has come up now is they can't even find a control group of pregnant woman who don't do ultrasounds to study. They can only find control groups of woman who have done it once, and more then once during term.