Monday, May 27, 2013

Drink Vodka. Kill 5 People. Want Freedom.

This guy ran a red light on the edge of town and plowed his cement truck into a Toyota Camry full of a family of 5. All the people in the car died. He then jumped out and threw a bottle of vodka into the back of the cement mixer before the cops arrived. That was just a few years ago and he is already eligible for parole. It's sad how little a life means to the courts system, even when there is 5 lives involved.

Update 6/18/2013: This guys been freed.

Friday, May 24, 2013

My Urban Dictionary: Mousin Contribution

Since I was young I use to always ask people what side of the family their cousin is from, just out of curiosity. It wasn't until I was older that I realized there are actually different words for this same thing in Farsi. So with a little brainstorming I came up with these variations of our modern word "cousin". Hope you enjoy the definitions and maybe even start using them.

Urban Dictionary: Mousin

Urban Dictionary: Fousin

Preparing for Disaster

Here is a pretty good list I found in the newspaper giving some suggestions on how one should prepare for any kind of disaster, natural or otherwise. I am sharing it today because I think it is actually important to be at least a little prepared for the possibility of a catastrophe! Simple logic dictates that if only 1/3 the population is actually ready for a disaster that when it hits that section of society would not be able to shoulder the weight of the rest of the people who are unprepared. Now if you look at the reverse side, if 2/3's of everyone was at least somewhat ready for a disaster, then if and when it actually happens they could easily support and protect the remaining 1/3 of the people until the danger passes. But if the first scenario prevails, which it does right now, chaos would ensue as the 2/3 of unprepared people would wreck havoc with panic and crime and the remaining 1/3  would have to hide and protect themselves.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

$3 Billion Lost in Anti-Terror Funding

How do you misplace $3 billion dollars of our tax money without holding someone accountable and making sure it doesn't happen again? This loss, however, barely makes them flinch.