Monday, December 1, 2014

Hide and Squeak Mcdonalds

Mouse found in bottom of coffee cup at a McDonald's in New Brunswick Canada. My guess is it got there during the manufacturing process, probably as they were stacking the cups. Doesn't sound as sanitary as you would be led to believe. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Most Bigoted TV Show

Great article describing how racist a TV show I've never seen is. The problem is that with shows like C.S.I portraying TV as accurate and scientific it's very easy for people to misinterpret this show the same way. It's Hollywood's way of always skewing the truth of what the middle east is truly like and trying to change public perception.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Born In The Year 2536

After spending some time looking over my Shenasnameh(Goverment Issued Major ID) with my father-in-law we realized that my birth date was set in the year 2536. He explained that the Shah changed the calender to start from when Cyrus the great ruled over the land. The change came in 1976 but the revolution had taken hold just a short year or two later and the idea was scrapped. My Shenasnameh is one of few surviving examples of this period of time because most the Shenasnameh's of that time were destroyed when they were updated to the Islamic style Shenasnameh after the revolution where the lion with scimitar was also removed.

Short description of the events of those times:

The Shah saw himself as heir to the kings of ancient Iran, and in 1971 he held an extravagant celebration of 2,500 years of Persian monarchy. In 1976 he replaced the Islamic calendar with an "imperial" calendar, which began with the foundation of the Persian empire more than 25 centuries earlier. These actions were viewed as anti-Islamic and resulted in religious opposition. - See more at:

Friday, October 3, 2014


Hilarious in a very sarcastic way. I can't watch more then a few moments of each, and the entire time I shake my head in disgust.

Watch Each of the Last Four U.S. Presidents Announce That We're Bombing Iraq

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Don't Just Talk to God. Listen Too.

I am close friends with Kandace Rose Kootenay. This article is about the sad and untimely loss of her and her community and how she was coping with it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Antisemitism Vigilance Urged

After over 700 woman and children are killed at the hands of Israel this is their next campaign:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Death of Last WWI Soldier Quote

Everyone should read just the first sentence of this article. A quote from Harry Patch, the last survivor from our first World War just before his death in 2009 at the age of 111. I don't agree with Gwynne Dyer's opinions in this article or believe anything he says in the last three paragraphs. Sounds like UN propaganda.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Facebook Plays With Your Emotions

Facebook Inc has been caught manipulating 700,000 random users news feeds. Their study was to find out if positively filtered news feeds would promote positive posts, and if the opposite held true: filter more negative posts into the news feed in turn creating more negative postings by user. Their results are in the article attached:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Penticton Paradise

You can see why the Okanagan Valley (Kelowna/Penticton/Osoyoos) is called Paradise. They get a special ray of sunshine all for themselves.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pedestrians' Insouciance Deadly

Over the years I have observed the fact that pedestrians in Calgary always think they have the right-of-way when it comes to crossing the street. This letter to the Calgary Herald Editor sums up my opinion almost perfectly.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Till Death Do Us Not Part

Great article about two lovers that were married for more than 60 years dying just 36 hours apart. Brought tears to my eyes.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Still Cancer Coke

I posted an article awhile back about the dangers in caramel coloring that is used in Pepsi and Coke products. Not much has changed as you can see with this little photo and caption I found.  Even so I thought I would share it anyways. The sooner the world stops drinking pop "cold turkey" the better. These companies need to go bankrupt, but I fear I may not see that day.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Bullied Kids Should Toughen Up

This was a cool article I found in the Metro Newspaper about a South Dakota mom who thinks we are creating a generation of victims by over parenting and over protecting our kids. Great advice and I totally agree. Here is a link to her blog: