Sunday, June 30, 2013

Some Say Big Brother is Here

"Big Brother is here say many Americans" reads the headline from an article I found in the newspaper the other day. It goes on to say that sales of the George Orwell book, 1984 written in 1949 have gone up recently, probably as people find parallels between their current existence and the story in the book. If you haven't yet read it I highly suggest it, as it is an amazing and thought provoking book, with huge foresight of the different possibilities for a future. Now in my opinion Aldous Huxleys book Brave New World written in 1931 has a greater possibility of eventually playing out in real life. What an amazing book written about a future where everyone is genetically engineered in test tubes to be of a certain caste and job. And everyone is happy. And if your not happy, you take a government approved drug to give you happiness. Anyways, there is a lot more to it and it remains one of my favorite all time books. A third book worth checking out while we are on the subject is Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury in 1953. In this book since the world in the future is built fireproof firemen are no longer needed to put out fires. Instead they now start fires, and their job is to burn books, and any houses they are contained in, down. Instead of books everyone has whole wall televisions, the poor have one wall TV, while the rich have all four walls turned into TVs. And the favorite show everyone watches is an interactive soap opera that talks to you and uses your name and involves you in the plot. Anyways, another great read, and in my opinion a good look at another potential future that awaits us all.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Road to World War Three

I watched this video titled The Road to WWIII a few months ago and was surprised how it all made more sense then maybe it should of.

Fast forward to today: I stumbled upon this article and read it with keen interest.  When it came to the part about the "Georgia Guidestones" I thought I would investigate further. Here is the wikipedia on the Georgia Guidestones. Well what I found out surprised me: how is it that stones with engravings like these actually exist? And on public land no less! The stones lay down ten commandments for the future, and the first one is chilling to say the least.

The first commandment is described best in this article of Secret Societies.

"The ever stranger Georgia Guidestones were created in 1980 by a mysterious gentleman named R.C. Christian. They are huge granite columns, which have new set of 10 commandments etched into them. These are new rules for the future. While most of the new commandments appear reasonable enough there is one commandment that makes one wonder what is really happening in our world and what these secret societies are really after. That is new commandment - number one, of course - commands that the population of the world be reduced to 500,000,000 people."

More info on the Georgia Guidestones

Here is a quote from the article linked above:

"the structure would serve as a compass, a calendar, and a clock, that it would be engraved with a set of guides in eight of the world’s major languages, and most tellingly, that it would have to be capable of withstanding any major catastrophic event, so that what remained of society after such an event, would be able to use those guides to rebuild a society better than the one that they had survived."

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Codeine a Risk to Children

I like the second last sentence, just a nonchalant comment on how you shouldn't give children any cough medicine at all "in fact"... Seems like a pretty important fact to me. Maybe it deserved more then one sentence of recognition.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Iceberg Homes. Restrictions Building Up? Build Down.

This was a great article I found talking about some new fad for the ultra rich. Certiain people living in London where the city imposes restrictions on how big they can build their houses have decided to begin to build ultra deep basement complexes sometimes affecting the foundation of neighboring rich homes.