Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Booster Juice Stats

Here's a success story we could all hope to emulate!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Separate Calgary Bike Lanes

I loved this article I found in the Calgary Sun. It was written just after a major snow dump in December. There were 5 foot tall drifts and people couldn't even get out of a parking lot. The article  pretty much sumed up exactly how I feel about this bureaucratic nonsense of improving Calgary's bike-ability. They are constantly  wasting our money and resources placing additional signs and road paint trying to make it a more bike friendly city. And that's fine, I love biking,  but a lot of what they are doing is just nonsense like placing "single file" signs every half block on side streets, or "share the road" signs in other areas. Not to mention the latest rounds of removing actual parking and road lanes in favor of permanent bike only lanes. Maybe someone in city hall will read this and finally realize what a waste of our tax dollars all this is, just to please 1% of the population.