Friday, December 4, 2009

Straight Edge Shaving

Straight Edge shaving. Ever heard of it? Using basically a knife to shave. Sharpen it on a leather strop before every shave, and once a year hone it on a stone(or get it honed). There is a few great things about changing over to this system. One is you no longer are buying disposable razor blades. Not only will you save money, and stick it to those big corporations like Gillette, but you'll save a ton of landfill space! One has to wonder why Gillette doesn't offer a straight edge. They keep their stocks going up year after year by coming up with new products. 2 blades, 3 blades, 4 blades, vibrating and 5 blades, soon we'll have led lights added to the mix... And if they ever stop coming out with new designs and ideas their stock will stop rising, and may start falling. They rely on your use of disposable blades. And we have been shaving with knives for thousands of years, why have we stopped? It is the best shave I have ever had! Check out for a great forum dedicated to the art of straight edge shaving. Also check out my video of a shave

Monday, November 16, 2009

Schmap Featured My Photo

One of my Photos was featured in a Schmap online guide. Pretty neat.,-114.07122&bottomright=50.9501,-113.97474&i=60302_78.jpg

Oh, and my uncle told me that when he checked out my house on Google Street View my big off road 4Runner is parked right out front, looks big and mean. lol

Love it.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Extrovert Cures Depression?

So the other night I was at the pub for my bro's birthday, and I over hear a friend yelling to another friend(who's having some family problems) "You can't make others happy till you're happy, worry about your happiness first". I've been thinking about statements like that for awhile now so I piped up, what if you can get happiness from helping others first. I mean, just the simple act of helping someone will bring joy to TWO people, you and them. And if your down and out, what better way to get feeling better then to spread some feel good. And the more people you help, the more chances someone will help you when you need it most. Then my other friend said at work a new employee started crying after a customer gave her hell, so my friend consoled her, told her some stories of hard times she had had when she first started. Then she mentioned to me that usually the newer employees get eaten alive by the older ones. If helping someone when it is no problem for you makes you feel good, perfect. But what about helping someone when it isn't easy, or convenient? Do you still do it? Ask yourself this: Your family Is gonna sit down for a bite to eat, and things Are REALLY tough, I mean, you barely have enough scraps on the table to feed your family of 5. What do you do when you see a starving beggar outside? Do you let him in, and share your last few morsals with him? Or do you worry about your families welfare first?

It is a natural instinct to want to worry and save your family first. But what if helping him out now can return the help to you in the future? When you most need it? Or aren't expecting it? What about doing things with out expectations of anything in return? Not even a thank you... There is a great book I read last Christmas. It's called, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It's a children's book, it's 2 paragraphs in total, front to back. But man is it a powerful book. I recommend buying it, reading it, giving it away as gifts, for the young and old. Even just sneak into the book store or library and read it, it'll take 4 minutes max!:)

What if you help 100 people, and never expect anything in return? What if those hundred people did that too? I think it's possible that then, when you need help, people will be there for you. I heard once that a good practice is to talk to a stranger every day. Make it a point to do that and you will work on your social skills, it'll brighten your day, and you'll make probably brighten someone else s day too. It doesn't have to be a conversation. It could be something as simple as, "Hello, How's your day been so far?" Think about what happens if everyone does that? Practices that? We would be such a friendly society. Not only would we be more comfortable talking to strangers, and public speaking, but we would be more comfortable with being talked to! Me and my girlfriend went to New York, and I'm generally a very polite person, so before I ask for help I usually ask how their day is going, and when I tried that in New York, man did I get a look, suspicion! I couldn't believe it. So next time I asked for directions, I dumped the formalities and just barged the question at someone, "Where is so and so street?" It got an answer and no weird look.

Monday, November 2, 2009

H1N1 Fears Continue

So I was thinking about something as I read today's newpaper about the H1N1.

I guess they closed the clinics for a day because they ran out of vaccine. And now they're talking about reopening them, but only for those within the high risk category's first. One idea they threw out was having each of the clinics in the city catering to a different "high risk" category, like one for pregnant women, another for children under 5, another for old people, etc... I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow's paper to find out what these genius' have decided...

Now on to my thought.... Seems to me if something like the black plague or some other super virus that was actually super contagious and deathly dangerous hit, WE'D BE ALL SCREWED AND DEAD IN A WEEK! lol If they can't handle this JOKE of a "pandemic" what happens when something real hits???? What? We lose 9/10 of the population cause we can't get enough vaccine made, let alone distributed???? Great, I feeeeel much safer now, lol....

Again, that's why I think I'll start eating my dinner off the kitchen floor, I need to build up my immunities to super proportions!!! lol

Friday, October 30, 2009

H1N1 Fears Exaggerated

H1N1 fears are killing me! Every day the paper is flooded with stories and letters talking about the "Swine Flu", blowing it way out of proportion! Some things I've been hearing and thinking about are, there is only one pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine, so someone somewhere is making off with a rather tidy sum from this "pandemic". All this worry about germs and sanitizing stations everywhere could backfire when down the road we don't have any natural immunity left to fight off even the common cold let alone a serious virus. And even if you get the vaccine there is no guarantee you won't get the H1N1 anyways. Oh, and some of the complications of getting the vaccine include autism and Alzheimer’s and paralysis and permanent nerve damage( Seems like you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. In today's paper they wrote that if you are showing any symptoms of the flu you should stay home, or drive yourself to work. Just don't take public transit. And if you do, wear a surgical mask!! lol I was at a lab today for some tests and they had a new sanitizing station right at the entrance, with surgical masks/gloves at the ready... There were people in there walking around with surgical masks on!! And one person wrote into the letters to the editor section of the Calgary Herald that it is selfish to not get the vaccine, least you carry the virus and unknowingly infect others around you.

Lead a healthy life, eat, drink and exercise well. The less man made drugs, vaccines and radiation treatments one takes well probably make for a longer healthier life anyways.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Here we go, my first "blog"... I never thought I'd be doing this.... But day after day I see things going on in the media and the world that makes me want to pull my hair out. There are a number of subjects that I just need to vent on, and I think this will be a good outlet for that. Some of the things I'm going to be writing about in my future blogs include: The Evils of Txting, Oil Exploration, Possible ways to prevent Cancer, Emissions laws and problems with them, Vaccination problems and flu scares, and whatever else I can come up with!;-) Stay tuned...