Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Calgary Mayor

Naheed Nenshiis the new Mayor of Calgary. First time a minority has ever been voted into the top position of a city in Canada. I voted for him. Hopefully he will bring about a new light in City Hall.

And they say we're a redneck city!

1 comment:

  1. “... The City of Calgary is a Municipal Corporation in the Province of Alberta ...”, according to this pdf document.

    “A corporation is a fiction, by definition, ...”, according to Patrick Healy in a statement found in evidence provided to the Canadian Parliament's Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in 2002.

    “A corporation is a ‘fiction’ as it has no separate existence, no physical body and no ‘mind’”, according to Joanne Klineberg in a presentation to the Canadian Aviation Safety Seminar in 2004.

    In the real world, how is it possible for any real natural person to be mayor of a fiction?
