Friday, October 30, 2009

H1N1 Fears Exaggerated

H1N1 fears are killing me! Every day the paper is flooded with stories and letters talking about the "Swine Flu", blowing it way out of proportion! Some things I've been hearing and thinking about are, there is only one pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine, so someone somewhere is making off with a rather tidy sum from this "pandemic". All this worry about germs and sanitizing stations everywhere could backfire when down the road we don't have any natural immunity left to fight off even the common cold let alone a serious virus. And even if you get the vaccine there is no guarantee you won't get the H1N1 anyways. Oh, and some of the complications of getting the vaccine include autism and Alzheimer’s and paralysis and permanent nerve damage( Seems like you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. In today's paper they wrote that if you are showing any symptoms of the flu you should stay home, or drive yourself to work. Just don't take public transit. And if you do, wear a surgical mask!! lol I was at a lab today for some tests and they had a new sanitizing station right at the entrance, with surgical masks/gloves at the ready... There were people in there walking around with surgical masks on!! And one person wrote into the letters to the editor section of the Calgary Herald that it is selfish to not get the vaccine, least you carry the virus and unknowingly infect others around you.

Lead a healthy life, eat, drink and exercise well. The less man made drugs, vaccines and radiation treatments one takes well probably make for a longer healthier life anyways.

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