Sunday, February 3, 2013

Recycling First World Feel Good

They have recently instituted a mandatory recycling program for everyone in Calgary, but how much of what we put in the "blue bin" actually gets recycled? Is it more of a way the government can give everyone a small dose of satisfaction everyday like we are all doing our part for a better world? Recycling is based largely on markets for these materials. And all markets as always fluctuate. Most recyclable items can't be stored, so if the market is at a low point, or if they are collecting more then they can sell it all goes to waste anyways. Some examples of this include any paper or cardboard products. These items can't be stored indoors in large quantities so not only are they subject to market fluctuations but also to inclement weather.  Even metal won't last long being stored outside in large piles. And with items like glass that may be able to withstand some weathering the supply still far outweighs the demand. Check out this mountain of glass in the picture. And this is truly only a fraction of what we are supposedly "recycling".

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