Monday, November 28, 2011

Acetaminophen raises Asthma risks!

I found this article in the Calgary Herald Nov 24th 2011. I cut it out right away because I knew articles such as this won't make it to press a second time, especially if Johnson&Johnson have their way.

An Ohio doctor is warning people of medical studies linking rising/worsening rates of asthma to acetaminophen use. Actually it's interesting because in the 1980s doctors were urging people to stop taking aspirin because of the risk of developing Reye syndrome, which can be life threatening. So since then most people started giving their children acetaminophen. Over the past 30 years researchers couldn't figure out why asthma rates were always rising at an alarming rate. A study published in a British medical journal Lancet found six to seven year olds were 1.6 times more likely to develop asthma if they took acetaminophen more then once per year but less than once per month. For those that took the medicine at least once a month, the risk was triple. Here is the original article in all it's glory;

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