Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My White German Shepherd Kira

My love for my dog, as many of us fellow dog owners can contest, is immeasurable. I thought I would upload some of my favorite pictures of my dog in the past 8 years of her life:)


Oh, did I mention she is a lesbian? This is my mothers dog Bailey, also a female:)

Very Old Bizarro Comic

This is a real oldie that I cut out almost ten years ago, it's been sitting in my Toyota pickups sun visor ever since. I think this comic holds a special place with me partly because I own a beautiful White German Shepherd, Kira:) I'm pretty glad to be getting this comic posted into digital form so it can last many more years for me, and everyone else. As you can see this original copy is getting pretty worn.
Thanks Dan Piraro for your great comic strip.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nut Allergy Warning on a bag of Almonds?!

While I was enjoying my bag of "Wonderful Almonds" I also read the back of the package. I wasn't very surprised when I noticed they printed the ingredients on the package, even though the only ingredient is almonds. But I was a little shocked when I read under the ingredients that there is a allergy warning. "Contains Almonds"

Really? You don't say? A bag of almonds contains almonds? And if I have a almond nut allergy I should avoid this product? Well it's a good thing they printed that on their package as they probably avoided dozens of potential law suits, heh. 

Is it that we are really that stupid as a society, or is it the company that just thinks we are so dim witted?

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Since I started practicing yoga I have done a lot of thinking about the concept of eating meat. I even went vegetarian for 6 months. And still to this day, I only eat meat if it has already been prepared and served or offered to me. I no longer buy it or prepare it for my own consumption. There is no point to prepare meat for your own consumption because it is so prevalent as a food source that you never have to wait very long to be offered an already cooked or prepared meat dish. When I am eating out, or thinking about what I want to prepare for myself I always choose a veggie dish, or a fish dish. When I eat fish I get all the iron and protein I need.

This comic by Bizarro made me chuckle. Enjoy.